09.03.11 - 23.03.11 @ The Toilet Gallery | Nipper Alley | Kingston upon Thames | 09.03 - Opening Private View 5-9pm | 11.03 - Open 11am - 3pm | 12.03 and 13.03 - Papermaking | 14.03 - Opening Private view of guest show | 16.03 - Open 11am - 3pm | 17.03 - BCOT students curation take over | 18.03 - Open 11am - 3pm | 19.03 and 20.03 - Block Printmaking | 21.03 - Open 11am - 3pm | 23.03 - Closing Party 5pm - 8pm |
E invite sent out, Facebook invite sent out, pass it on to all your friends! and remember, there will be hotdogs
E invite sent out, Facebook invite sent out, pass it on to all your friends! and remember, there will be hotdogs